In Studio
I made a move to a new studio this year. It’s home to 6 artists. The building was purchased in 1986 when renovations were made to create studios. It has housed more than 2 dozen artists over the years and was the original home of Peregrine Press. Interestingly, most of the artists have been women, but not all.
Merrill Street on Munjoy Hill in Portland has changed a lot in the last decade and this is really one of the last few buildings from the ‘old era’.
It was built in 1905 or 06 and by 1913 it had an auto repair place with an advertisement saying ‘carbon burnt out while you wait’! The current owners bought it from a mason, and there are possibilities of previous owners such as a cooper or perhaps dairy production.
I feel so very lucky to have such a wonderful studio where I have room to work and house my collections. Visitors are always welcome. If you would like to visit 70 Merrill Street and see what is new (and old) in the studio email me at